Tiger WoodLike roofing ridges are prepainted metal ridges made from the most robust steel, providing you with a durable, colorful, and beautiful roof at a low cost. The Woodlike ridge roof can be used on greater slopes and offers stronger support. Typically, a significant benefit of the ridge roof is the useable attic space that it provides. Windows may be installed in the attic space to release any hot air flow inside the home, cooling the property down
What Is a Ridge on a Roof?
The ridge on a roof is the highest point of the roof. But underneath the aesthetics, the roof ridge provides your home with so much more!
The roof ridge provides a sound structure that holds both sides of the roof together. Two slopes intersect and are joined by the beam that provides the roof ridge. It also helps rainwater slide down the slopes to prevent water build-up.
An open ridge in roofing can also act as a way to ventilate your home and provide a cool flow stream. This effectively reduces the amount of cool energy used in your home, saving you money in the long run.